Monday, September 2, 2019

Lots of activity

You both sound very busy, although with different activities.  Not having a garden I don't do much of that type of work, but I can remember picking potatoes and corn with the Overwater cousins.  Not much fun.

Beth did you by chance take a look at the video on Not  Afraid of Color yesterday?  I thoroughly enjoyed it, and David even came to take a look.  I also watched the current show on The Quilt Show and ended up bookmarking May Fons' blog.  I'm going to keep an eye on it for awhile.  I have a hunch it might be worthwhile.  I'm also going to keep and eye out for her magazine.  Expensive but maybe worth it.

People may talk about their big wins, but don't usually mention how much it costs them to win.

No rigid plans for the day, but the idea of re-arranging the basement still has me thinking and wondering.  There really isn't any money for doing too much, but for today I'm going to see if I can amalgamate some of the rolling carts with drawers that I have everywhere.  Then I would like to see if I could move some of the magazines in the bookcase in the actual studio to the bookcases along the wall on the driveway side of the house.  We are also thinking of moving the wardrobe in the studio to the storeroom, but that is really a major job, and would leave us with an antique wardrobe that is too good to give to the thrift store, but no room for it in the basement.  Looks like a long term project, and lots of physical work.  I also have to get the studio area ready for the electrician coming early tomorrow.  He will need room to work.  It was that need that made me so aware of how poor the actual working space is in the studio area.

I'm still anxious about the "senior moments" I'm having.  But there is nothing I can do about them, but face them with a sense of humour.  I was trying to make a salmon loaf for supper yesterday and darned if I could figure out how many tablespoon there were in a half cup block of margarine.  It would have been easier to use a measuring spoon and soft margarine, but I didn't think of that at the time.  Today, I have to make the cheese tarts I was talking about awhile ago.  The reception is Thursday evening.  I had the dates mixed up and told a couple of people that it was on the Thursday the 7th.  Whoops!  I've seen my piece hanging in the show, and it looks better than I had thought it would.

David is up, and so the day begins.

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