Sunday, August 9, 2020

Canning and cooking

 You two make me feel lazy!  For the last couple of weeks, we've even bought our veggies pre-cut and ready to cook!  I have always thought that Auntie Lorraine's recipe for beets was just a version of Harvard beets.  I know Mom used to make them once in awhile, but maybe that was when we were quite young, and she wasn't working, as they were a bit of work--for Mom. anyway.  I love your Salsa recipe, Cathy, but  since it would be just me eating it, I buy generic Salsa from Freshco for $2.00, and the jar lasts quite awhile.  Not nearly as good though.  Funny that we're talking about this, as last payday, I declared my blue canner to be too rusted out to use anymore, and bought a cheap, big, 20 qt. stock pot to use for dyeing.  But I'm now reluctant to use it's it's so pretty.

Not nearly so busy here.  We just seem to putter around, sort of keeping up with the house work, but otherwise just putting in time.  I watched the latest The Quilt Show this morning, and found the first part of it interesting, as he was doing things very similar to the types of techniques that I was trying during my sketchbook workshop.  But the first couple of minutes of the last part told me that she was just there to sell a ruler, so I turned it off.  Then off for coffee, but we didn't stay there long.  It was too cold to sit inside, and not too pleasant to sit outside. The weather can't seem to make up it's mind.  Today is quite a bit cooler and it's trying to rain.  The prefect day for a long afternoon nap, as I found out this afternoon.

Yesterday, David's sister dropped in for a visit. She comes every few months, and just calls to let us know she's on her way, and then visits, over tea for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  She is finding the Covid lockdown difficult, as her social life has suffered.  Even working, she says she sits in her office, does the work, and then goes home, not interacting with anyone.  (Yes, she is still working/volunteering for her son as a bookkeeper and personal assistant, although part time.  Part time because, after all, she is over 80.)  It was a pleasant visit.  We sat outside and I had made, from scratch, iced tea.  We no longer have a Sun Tea jug, so I had to make it the hard way, even making a simple syrup for sweetening.  I used the last of my Red Rose tea bags.  I think I've had them since the last time Cathy and Jim came to visit.  I like the name "Catspit Estates", Cathy.  A whole set of labels cost us just over $7 for 30 of them.  I think you should go for it.

Now maybe I should put clothes on, and do a few dishes, so that  we have enough room to cook supper.  Last week we bought some small beets at the Farmers' Market, down the street, and what's left need cooking.  As well I have a package of pre-cut and seasoned squash.  So a decent supper along with some cold chicken. After that, a bit of Poker, as I haven't played since Thursday.  Be safe ladies.

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