Saturday, August 1, 2020

Yesterday is best forgotten

David had a 7:00 am doctor's appointment, and asked me to go with him.  So up at 6:00, to the clinic at 6:45.  I knew we were a bit early and that there would be a wait to see the doctor.  As well, they were not allowing anyone to accompany a patient, unless there was a medical reason to do so.  So I dropped David off and went to Tim's for coffee.  I had been sure that I had seen a Tim's fairly close to the Clinic, and I was right.  There is one at Isobel, and, I think, Elgin.  (I couldn't find a street sign to tell me.)  It was one of the biggest Tim Horton's that I've seen.  At 7:00 am, there were, at least, 12 people (that's how many I counted) behind the counter, and they were all working hard.

Right across the street was Freight House.  I had heard of this often, but really had no concept of what it was--and probably still don't.  It is literally an old freight house.  It is a good half a block long, and the whole side facing me was loading door after loading door.  There were signs over each door identifying which activity or agency could be accessed through that door.  Each loading dock would have been about 10-12 feet wide--for about 1/16 mile.  Wow!  Wish that I had more time to figure it out.

But then it was time to head back to the clinic, and I got there about 7:20.  Then I sat on a hard chair in the lobby, waited, and paid to extend my parking place, until 8:50, when David showed up to tell me that he was going to xray, and would have to see the doctor again after that.  It was about 9:20 when we left, less than  minute before I would have had to pay for more parking time.

Getting home, we found a whole bunch of ripe tomatoes on our two small plants.  Then into the house to start the laundry and try to figure out what to do with the tomatoes.  They weren't suitable for sandwiches, so I decided to make tomato sauce for supper, but wait, we forgot to pick up an onion during our grocery shopping, yesterday.  So I had to head over to Giant Tiger for an onion.  Put an onion in the cart and found a few other things and headed home.  Unpacking, and--just a minute--where's my onion?   No where to be found, but neither was I charged for it.  Back to Giant Tiger, and the same clerk.  We both had a bit of a giggle.  At some point, during all of this, my back suddenly started to hurt.  Now I know what Daddy meant when he said his back had "gone out".  This bothered me off and on for the rest of the day.

By this time, I was more than ready for a nap, and managed to sleep for just over an hour, and felt much, much better. I had been dealing with the laundry during all of this, and have run into a problem with my washer not actually ending the cycle, after all was done, and so not releasing the lid lock.  I now have to unplug it, and re-plug it in ( reboot?) After doing that, after waiting a few minutes, the lid will unlock. PINTA!

Then it was time to make tomato sauce.  David chopped his tomatoes and chopped the onion, and I browned both off in olive oil, put them aside and browned off hamburger , then added the veggies back in, along with a small can of tomato sauce and all the spices I could find that might contribute to the cause. ( No chili powder)  Then I let it simmer for just over an hour.  Oh my, that was good!

By the time I had cleaned up after supper, my back was really bothering me, and I broke down and took a T3, along with the laxative that I take with it. This help a little, but interfered with my concentration during the poker tournament I tried in the evening.  Lost my shirt in the three tournaments I attempted, before going to bed.  Finally there was no option but bed, and I don't remember a thing after that, until I woke up about 4:30 this morning--in pain.

So today, there will be another load of laundry, and then bottling our wine at 11:30.  I have been having trouble finding  frozen cod, but have one more store to check. After we get the wine home, and on the racks. I will be heading out alone to do that ( Egad!  Superstore on Saturday afternoon.  I must be crazy!) But it's Saturday afternoon so I have my tv shows tonight--if I can stay awake long enough to see them.  Haven't even thought about supper.

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