Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Memories of a sort for me too...

I always think fondly of the August long weekend as it was for awhile, a highlight trip for me to come and visit you folks. Even to set up a tent and sleep in the open haha! So I do not wonder about your feelings Pati since you spent many more of those weekends at the Lake watching your family grow up there, really.I think we are entitled to our "moods" occasionally, especially when they seem to appear at these times in our lives in remembering pasts. Even if we are supposed to be looking towards the future, I have my best moments in remembering.
Yes, lots of work over this weekend for us "moving" but for the most part he and his gang are into the new place and need only to move items slowly this week eg tools, and items in the old basement and the small freezer and washer and dryer. There is a washer and dryer in the new place but Donna wants their own to be moved as well. And then his boat which is still in the backyard of the old place. At the new place in the back yard there is a wooden rack already built off the ground that looks as if it were made to hold a boat which i liked. And there is a gazebo where they have put the BBQ and table and the yard is fenced in at the back so their two remaining dogs can be let out there. All in all it is a much nicer place and I hope they can get settled now and enjoy it. We will likely be up a few more times in the next week or two to pick up garbage if needed. There is a standard $20.00 charge for Willie to get into the North Bay dump which is about 20 KM north of the city ( a fair drive) where as we have a pass and can dump as much as maybe needed.
Now I have to make an appt for an oil change for the car for this week, and also today really hoping my new glasses will be in for me to pick up. I have a new book from the Library - K.L. Armstrongs books Every Step She Takes which they just got in and of course had the courtesy to call me for first read!! I have not gotten into it yet since I had little reading time over weekend but plan to jump right in this week and the new glasses may help me enjoy it even more??
So hope your days are good there folks, and that we can enjoy a bit of summer even though August is upon us.  Take care

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