Thursday, August 13, 2020

Where to start

 Yesterday was bizarre.  I knew that I would be working out in the Gallery in Selkirk, yesterday afternoon, and that I had an intensive Zoom meeting at 9:00 am, so had known I would be pretty tired by evening.  Unfortunately, there was also an in-person meeting in the evening out in Charleswood.  So I begged off the evening meeting.  I was also a little concerned, as the last time this group met had been an in-person meeting, held outside to allow social distancing.  Hah! It turned out to be free-for-all with no respect for social distancing. Nor did I want to be driving home from that far, after a tiring day.   I guess a few others were concerned, and several sent regrets.  By yesterday morning, the arrangers were re-thinking things, and asked if anyone would come if it, too, was a Zoom meeting.  Interesting that the ones who did show up for the Zoom meeting were mainly the ones who had begged off the in-person meeting.  Only two of the ones who had said they would attend in person, were able to make the Zoom meeting, everyone else, who did, had set regrets.  It was a good meeting.  More relaxed than when there has been a larger group.

Not originally having planned to participate, I hadn't planned anything for supper.  So, we decided to see if it would be possible to get anything from the Food Court in the mall. Yes it was.  Several places weren't open, and others had somewhat reduced menus, but I was able to get my usual Quesadilla, from Taco Time, but David was disappointed, as New York Fries were only selling Hot dogs.  He found something at an oriental stir-fry place.  I was impressed at how well social distancing was practiced at the Mall.  As well, there were few people there.  I think I would be comfortable going there again.  We were disappointed to find that Dollarama now  has only self-check-outs.  We really don't like them.  David doesn't trust them, and I know they are just a ploy to reduce labor costs, and result in overall job loss.

Today is Gail's birthday, and she had invited me for coffee, as I invite her on my birthday.  I didn't sleep well, and decided to lie down for an hour this morning after breakfast.  Wouldn't you know that she would phone while I was sleeping and beg off. She didn't want to do it in the rain( where would we sit?), and really didn't want to drive into town while it was raining.  So, we'll try again tomorrow.  I hadn't even known it was raining.  But, it is badly needed, so we're glad to see it.  I think it's supposed to rain off and on all day.  A good chance to spend the rest of the day in the studio.  I'm on  roll with my sketchbooks.

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