Thursday, August 27, 2020

Winding Down

 We're just winding down after two days of almost frantic activity.  Things started Tuesday when I had a pedicure, as I previously mentioned.  I barely remember Tuesday afternoon and evening, but I did a fair bit of FMQ'g on one of the pieces I made when taking an internet workshop on Modern and improvised quilt making. This one was sandwiched and ready to quilt.  It was easier to grab that when I had a few minutes, instead of having to organize all my sketchbooks and art supplies.  Wednesday morning, I slept in and was late to a 9:00 Zoom meeting, then went to be assessed for new orthotics for my feet.  The lady pedorthist very strongly recommended new shoes, in a different size and a different style.  Ka-ching!  But we had had a hunch that might come up, so went for it.  They also recommended that I get a prescription from the doctor so that the price of the shoes could be used against income taxes.

First thing this morning, I called the doctor's office to ask, and the receptionist told me that I would have to talk to the doctor.  Then asked if I could get in for 10:00.  This gave me an hour to shower, get dressed and get downtown.  She had hinted that by going in the morning, the wait would be much shorter. We usually g quite early in the morning, so the 9:45 crowds at the clinic were a surprise.  Long lines, with nurses checking everyone out before letting them in.  Then there was a security guard making sure that there were no more than 4 persons (of any age, so babes in arms were included in the count))per elevator.  No-one without an appointment was allowed in, so David waited in the car, as we had expected a fairly short wait.  After an hour, I went down and suggested that he carry on to our other appointment, coming to pick me up after he was finished.  We even planned where he was to find me.  Then I had to go back in and through the same lengthy process to get back to the waiting room.  I was finally seen at 11:50. He wrote two prescriptions for me, including one for a drug I had run out of.   David was waiting, and we proceeded to yet another appointment.  I had ordered tea from the tea store by phone, and had to pick that up on Academy Road. 

Then it was home to a phone message that the second pair of shoes, that had to have been sent over from another store, were ready for pick-up.  There were also library books waiting for pickup, and an unexpected problem with the second prescription.  Given the fire at Walmart, the Pharmacy there is also closed.  I finally got through by phone after trying for two days, only to find out that all drugs were being distributed from the Walmart on Fermor.  I had the choice of transferring all my prescriptions there, or to any other pharmacy that I might choose.  I really didn't want to do that, so took my prescription into the Pharmacy in the mall across the street.  

Did I mention that today was also "payday'?  This meant that all of our regular bills had to be paid. I had spent a frantic few minutes roughly balancing the cheque book, and preparing to take the bills in.

After visiting the library and dropping off the prescription, David dropped me off at Starbucks and proceeded to buy  gas, pick up and paying for my new shoes, and paying all the bills.  We both arrived home exhausted. Then a phone call.  It was the pharmacist from our regular Walmart  who wanted to tell me all about the contingency plans for the pharmacy.  I could transfer all my prescriptions, or I could order any drugs I needed by phone, and have them delivered.  I don't know what sort of cost there would be for delivery, but I went through my big ZipLoc bag of pills, and ordered any one that I thought I might need in the next few weeks.  They'll be delivered tomorrow afternoon, probably about the same time as the pharmacy across the street, calls me to pick up the prescription there.

The one bright light in all of this is that I now have more library books than I think I can read in the next two weeks, and more are in transit.  I'm in no shape to play poker tonight, so I better get reading.  How was your day?

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