Thursday, December 1, 2016

Colder now

We got a phone call, late Tuesday, that there had been a cancellation, and the respirologist could see David yesterday morning.  Yes, he has "significant Sleep Apnena", and they recommended him using a mask while sleeping.  He declined.  But I have made a note of the diagnosis on the E.R.I.K package we keep on the fridge.We also dropped my "Remembering" piece off at the clinic where it will be on display for the next 3 months.  Then some more shopping--we were able to cross one name off the Christmas list--and bought a few groceries that had been missed on Monday.  This also included a trip across town to get a sweater that I had fallen in love with, at the local store, but they didn't have it in my size.  I'm finding that, given my current life style, I can make my T-shirts, and jeans look dressier with a sweater, rather than a sweat shirt.

Today, David had an appointment to get his hair cut, but he had a bad response to the scents in the place, so he left.  She had suggested that he go back this evening, after supper to try again.  He's taken a Claritin, and we'll see what happens.  Since it appears to fall to me to solve the problem of where he gets this done, I suggested that we get out the dog grooming kit and just shave his head, given what little hair remains. However, he reminded me that we gave the electric clippers away, in one of my cleaning binges.  

You spoke of refraining from using milk in your coffee Beth.  I have recently found that the pleasure I find in my coffee has been missing.  Now I wonder if the amount of milk I use influences that.  I have always used milk, since being told, by my doctor at the time, that since I don't include milk in my diet, using it in my coffee is a good idea.  Yesterday, and again today, I've significantly reduced the amount I use, and am finding the flavour improves.  Thank you for the suggestion.  ( and the coffee stays warm longer!)

Still haven't dug into the mess in the basement studio.  I know it has to be done, but just can't find the wherewithal to get down there and do it.  Yes, I feel the "blues" creeping up on me again.  But the weight is down-minimally, so there is some source of joy in my life.  I have to wonder if I'll find some treasures digging into that pile.  Maybe so?

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