Monday, December 12, 2016

Septic systems

What an awful experience for you Cathy.  This is when I am happy that we have town sewers ( and pay nicely for this privilege) and our own water well.  Mike is now learning about septics as his home has town water and a septic tank - the opposite of us.
I just came in from my first shoveling for the day as it is still snowing out. I wanted to shovel yesterday but didn't get out so I have a bit more to contend with today. But I made a batch of blueberry muffins yesterday - just to appease my desires haha!  You would think that with all the cookies Harry baked that I would be satisfied - apparently not.
Tell me, do you, or did you keep your cheese tarts in the fridge?  I had them in a tin on the counter - I have my filling in the fridge, but I got to thinking maybe the tarts should also be in the fridge. What's your idea about this/
Well, I have to walk up to the mail now, and will stop into the Lottery Store to get ready for Wed night.  I must be prepared!   
I see how cold it is still in your area and come Wed our temps will drop to minus 25 or so, so I will be in a deep freeze as well.
Take care

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