Saturday, January 20, 2018

Back online again

Not able to get online for anything late Thursday as the mouse decided not to work. It is wireless and no attempts to find an alternative mouse of the thousands we have somewhere in the house proved fruitful. Of course, the event created much discussion between the both of us which is always interesting.  So Friday morning it was off to Huntsville and into Walmart where a new fancy mouse was purchased. Once home and ready to set up it became apparent that there was a problem. I read the instruction manual but apparently missed the important small print clues completely. No NANO device was found in the box. And one has to plug this NANO device into a USB port for the darn thing to work.  So back to Huntsville ( read more mileage and time) and into Walmart I went. The man at the counter of the Entertainment Dept just sort of chuckled and opened my box and opened the battery compartment and there was the NANO device hidden inside. And with my shocked facial expression he then took out the manual and pointed out the small picture where the location of said device had been highlighted. I admit it was not very clear in the manual. But I also admit that if the situation here at home had been conducive to quiet reflection and time to absorb the instruction manual completely I would have found this information myself. Chalk it up to yet another interesting day as Pati said in her previous message haha! So we are back in business (until the next crisis hits)
Lots of wash to do this weekend and I never look forward to this time.  I made liver for myself yesterday but had to leave it for our second trip to Huntsville and then when I got home I did not want to eat any so into the fridge it went. So today I have that to look forward to. I really like liver and enjoy it with some onions and a little bacon. I cook it nice and tender and it is moist so very palatable. 
Very mild again as I see is also the case in your areas as well. Without any precipitation maybe some of this snow will melt away? Wouldn't it be nice if Spring cam early this year. Not withstanding all the planting woes that comes with Spring mind you, but I do love to get outside and putter.
Have a nice weekend assuming that you are all on the mend. Am I right?  Take care

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