Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Yesterday we decided it was time to see the new Star Wars movie.  We usually go to the late afternoon showing, as the theatre is usually not filled, and the price is right on Tuesdays. David had found the info in the paper, so off we go to the 3:30 showing at St Vital Centre.  Bought our tickets, bought our popcorn, but had to wait until the theatre had been cleaned before we could go in.  There is a nice woman who collects the tickets.  Not necessarily a very intelligent woman, but always helpful and always cheerful.  We tend to chat with her every time we go.  So she comes over to where we're sitting to tell us we can go in, and provides helpful info, such as, the glasses are inside the theatre.  Say what?!  Turns out we have bought tickets for a 3D movie.  David immediately goes to see if he can get our money back.  Ho Ho.  She and I continue to chat and she assures us that we can use the tickets, in 2D, today at 1:45, but, of course, we would have to pay more, so maybe we couldn't use the same tickets.  But, David prevails, and we get our money back, but are still holding a large drink and popcorn.  So what do we do?

Well, going in I had pointed out a scrap booking store across the street from the mall, and said that I would like to visit it someday.  Yesterday was the day.  David came in with me, and the clerk wasn't busy, so I got to chatting with her about various inks.  So, of course, we both get a lengthy demonstration on how to use distressing ink, in all it's various forms.  I thought of you, Beth, and your unexpected adventures into unusual stores.  David then went to the car to eat popcorn, and I chatted with her for a little while longer, but of course, ended up buy inks.  I had actually been looking for ink for my stamp pads, but hadn't found it in Micheal's.

A very pleasant time spent, and I have ideas percolating.  Maybe next Tuesday we will get to see Star Wars.

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