Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Out to shop in Huntsville this morning

House bound too long.. so we ventured out to do some shopping this morning - car temp reading for outside said it was only minus 33 C. We did not go last week so there was plenty to buy.
Now I feel I have a goodly supply in stock - good food that I like to eat such as spinach and lettuce and yogurt and cottage cheese, and rye bread and soya milk.  Harry is just peeling some avocados that we got on sale and we will mush them and mix with lemon juice and freeze for later.
There is talk again about starting up the greenhouses - I shoveled paths to each yesterday and I have to get a cord out the front room window to the big greenhouse - this means opening the window and threading it through and then insulating the gap and taping it well to keep the cold draft from coming in. I opened the greenhouse door up and another pane of glass has broken off and fallen to the floor so that needs to be cleaned up - and then the door needs to be fixed somehow so it will close - I guess I'll have to find the tarps and blankets, too. C'est la vie?  The little greenhouse should be easier to set up ( should be!!) 
Now I will take some time to  put away the groceries and hopefully make a nice cup of tea - I found a book here at the house to read called Gone by Lisa Gardiner. I went to the Library to order two books yesterday - one another PJ Tracy, and the other another Mark Pryor. Hoping they may come in soon.  So, I better get busy. Take care

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