Sunday, August 11, 2019

Appliances and self respect

Not that they have any relationship to each other, just happen to be percolating in my mind today.  I'm a little concerned about my toaster oven. That's a lie.  I hate the damn thing, it 's filthy and can't be cleaned any more, and the timer hasn't worked in years.  But we both know how to get around its tricks. So it will probably be sitting on my counter until I die.  My washer is fairly new but the dryer is getting on and will probably be the next to go.  The internal light has never worked since we bought it.  My stove appears to be doing well.  I had though t that your stove and mine were just about the same age, Cathy.  Didn't we both buy them at Sears when we received the money from Dad's state?  I constantly have issues with my iron.  I guess I just wear them out.  But I also regularly hear women complaining about problems with their more expensive irons, so I'll just keep buying cheap ones at Walmart or Canadian tire and replace them when they die. And--we need a new bathroom scale.

Yesterday, I ate like a little pig, and then David made a remark about the way my T-shirt was fitting that made me realize that the weight I've gained is all going on my tummy.  I guess it had to go somewhere.  Then I spent a couple of hours lying in bed, late at night, and hating myself.  Not a good thing.  Adding to that, I have been trying to do Morning Pages again, and have found a problem.  All that writing has made me realize how very little cursive writing I am doing these days--probably the same with most people. With me, the experience forced me to realize how much my arthritis has changed my writing, and how much pain the act of writing, more than 5 words, hurts.  David has complained that he can't read my writing, and now I'm starting the think he has a point.  ( He often has a valid point when I don't want him to be right. Refer to above in the discussion about my tummy.)  However, I have 17 notebooks sitting on a shelf waiting to be used.  (Bad words!)

Yesterday was a fairly pleasant day working in the Gallery.  David says we had about two hours of rain while I was gone, and I think there was maybe that much where I was, as well.  Certainly the street was wet anytime I looked out.  I was able to watch my Saturday night tv shows, while working on book marks, in the studio.  David had his football games upstairs.  Now I see today as an exercise in functioning with very little sleep.  Maybe not a day to be attempting to do anything productive in the studio, although my next craft show is Thursday evening.  Everything needs to be priced, so there's that to do.  Tomorrow afternoon is my little craft group in Lorette, and  I could work on pricing there, although that would mean taking everything out there.  Today I think might be better spent catching up with housework and going through the fridge and pantry to make sure I have some good stuff to eat, and no temptations.  Again, I have become lazy about planning meals in advance, and then find myself scrambling to find something suitable to eat, at the last minute.  This is often my downfall.

So time to think about moving.  Breakfast is finished.  No writing for me today.  My doctor has given me Voltaren by prescription that is about 8X stronger than the otc stuff. I have that rubbed well into my hands, and had spent the night trying to sleep with my hand in a wrist brace.  While I hope to be wrong, it's not looking like today will be one of my better days.  And so we age.

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