Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Quiet here right now...

...but Harry is intimating that he wants to cut down the crabapple tree tree in our yard that died this year. It is one of the very first original trees we planted and produced beautiful apples for most of it's years. it is by the fence between our yard and the Dutch neighbours which mean I am sure I'll have to go into their yard to be the "assistant" cutter downer. I need to get an electric cord out from the house to the tree so I plan to put it out the back door - it will reach because it is the one I use in winter from the house to the greenhouse. Hope it goes well???
You and I are both cleaning up by the sounds of it Cathy. In my case I tackled the kitchen yesterday. Started with my shelf of Tim Horton mugs which I like to switch around occasionally just for variety. But then my ambition extended to the little pantry cupboard and then to the cupboards under the counter and by then the day was done except for a little time I call "happy hour" for myself. I bought a bottle of white wine some time ago and have a little glass most every day ( not every day) and celebrate "happy hour" .
I received an email from my friend Sue who is again organizing a Luncheon with some of 'the old girls" for late October.  I always look forward to these get togethers just to see them and enjoy some wonderful talk and laughs. Each has her own life style - all completely different from mine by the way, and I often just like to sit and listen to their stories to appreciate 'the other side of life" so to speak - do you know what I'm trying to say? I come home refreshed and alive and ready to jump into my "life style" again so it really is a positive experience for me.
Tomorrow I go for my hair cut ( not too soon either haha! ) and then to the bank to turn in our rolled coins for paper money to take to the Casino Rama on Thursday. I have not save too much this onth in coins but I may supplement my takings and top it off a bit but I will never spend more than I take so I have some control. I am looking forward to that trip as well - it is like an 'escape" isn't it??
Well, some breakfast, then on with the day.   Take care

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