Saturday, August 24, 2019

Garden and produce

It seems to be a less than ideal year for us here as well - oh, we have lots of plants and much work, including watering, but few to no cucumbers, a few nice green peppers, and the tomatoes are slowly developing. I made another batch of juice last evening to get rid of a bowl of little ripe ones sitting on the counter. There are some nice big green tomatoes on some of the plants - maybe I should make green fried tomatoes??
We went to North Bay yesterday - Harry needed a pair of dress shoes to go to this wedding on Sept 7 (his nephew from sister Donna) We got a pair at Rebuilt Resources - new and black and they fit and they were $5.00 so what more does he need haha! I pulled out two suits and a white shirt but have yet to have him try either on - it has been years since he even wore a suit. But he is not really keen on even going although we have to, so why should I worry about it? I have my outfit ready and I am having my hair cut next Wednesday so I shall be presentable (from my perspective anyway) 
The hardware store on Osborne. I think we all have great memories of that store. Now Pati, I clearly remember your jacket. And as you mentioned it, I had a big smile on my face realizing that there is a picture of you wearing it. I do not know where this picture is??? Either I have it in a box here or else one of you had it and it was seen in the recent past at one of my visits. I intend to check some of my boxes of pictures soon to see if I can spot it unless one of you knows you have it ....? anyone?
My cleaning up in my "studio" has been tough as I come across a box or two or three with projects and sit and fondle the work and wish I could jump right in and complete. And boxes of notions - ribbons, laces, handkerchiefs/linens, rubber stamps, hexies, and more yo yo's than could ever be used in a lifetime haha!  I really got carried away with yo yo making at the time - I think it was because it was a project one could sit and do off and on, and it took little space. So it fit my life perfectly. But what now ?  And boxes of knitting needles, and crochet needles and notions, and it stirred up a great urge to create.  Pati, you must have been feeling all these same emotions recently as you went through your treasures, right? And cathy I know how you tresure your books so it is the same here. I have boxes of books that i want to keep and no where to store them. I keep thinking that sometime in the future I'll be able to enjoy them - but not now. And I wonder now when that "sometime" will be haha!  Anyway, it is a nice escape while while I am in the zone. 
Now back to reality. Weekend is here and the wash needs to be done and the housework piles up and Harry just bought another 10 lb bag of onions to dehydrate and on and on and on....Take care

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