Friday, August 30, 2019

Quite a mix in the kitchen???

Ribs and Eco printing for dinner you say..... Must have been quite a mix for you both - I know I have to exit our kitchen frequently when our two minds begin their own thing and want to create...not enough space to work together anyway haha!  I assume the ribs tasted just fine.......
Another pleasant day for us on the bus trip yesterday. I mentioned that the contracts (between bus lines and the Casino) were being negotiated and so we found out the results. There will no longer be a free Luncheon Buffet offered. Instead the casino will load $10.00 onto your card to play the slots. As well, the current 1% offering of points accrued for money spent on the machines, will increase to 5%. This all takes effect in September. Many folks go for the Luncheon offer although I do not see that attraction. So it is expected many will now not sign up to go. The organizer of our Bus trip says that she needs at least 40 people to sign up and actually come, and if numbers dwindle she will choose to discontinue the Bus trips completely. (Maybe someone else might step up to coordinate but she will be out she says - she is also struggling with cancer and treatments, so maybe that is playing heavy on her mind) There were only 30 people on this particular bus and that was with first pickup in Sundridge, and then stopping in three other towns going South. So we signed up to go on the trip the end of September, but may find it cancelled. We'll take a chance. 
A wee bit of rain last night but not enough to even wet things down. Harry has started to cull the tomato plants already which may help to pace out the work required in the Fall to clean things up, I hope it will not be a real chore again as it falls on me mostly and I am getting a bit tired of it all, I have to prepare for winter and snow removal and roof clearing etc so know the plants and pots have to be moved but to where? I have to trim back all the plants in the flower gardens as well so that I will be able to move the snow back off the driveway easily. Even talking about winter now sends a chill up my spine haha!  My first job though starting today perhaps is to clear in the sun room at the back of the house to have room to place the indoor plants that will have to be brought back in soon - the nights will start to get colder so they will have to find refuge once again inside. One night last week it went down to 5 degrees overnight so that is telling me to prepare now!
So it is the last hooray as they say with the long weekend upon us, bringing s close to summer, and the schools back in business and yes, Pati, the leaves are changing colour here as well and falling. 
Enjoy and take care folks. 

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