Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Poor you....

The 'contentment" came with "sitting" by the fire pit - not jumping into the firepit. But what a terrible, scary scenario you describe Cathy.  How are you managing now? And to think of your mind jumping back so long to Caddy Lake. That event must have really had an impact in your life - even if it remained dormant for so long. Funny that I too, have memories from Caddy Lake that are not all happy - many events I remember that I think now probably played heavy on Mom and Dad at the time ( as result of my actions while so young).
Today is clean the bird cages day and I am now half way through - thought I would take a break and have a coffee and check for messages. Last few days ( since last Thursday actually) I have had back issues - really bad this time enough for me to sneak into Harry's T 3 supplies to try to alleviate some of the spasms and pain and mobility issues. Not so bad today so I am hoping the worse is perhaps past.  I must do some watering as well since the promised rain has not come - seems to be a regular event Chance of showers and thunderstorms  turns into nothing!!
Harry has a dehydrator full of fruit leathers right now - we bought tons of fruit yesterday and blended it all and there it is drying now.
Leaves little room/ space in the kitchen to do much else so other chores may actually get done today - for example watering haha!
Best to go and finish up the little birdies. Look after yourselves - both of you - hope your day will bring something nice to celebrate.

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