Friday, June 12, 2020

A question

My horoscope today says that I'm going to be out of sorts and cranky all day, and as well, will be prone to making bad decisions.  I thought that described yesterday pretty well.  Could the horoscope be a day behind?

Yes, yesterday certainly was a trial for everyone involved, and there's only two of us living here.  I felt frantically busy all day, but when I analysed what exactly it was I was doing, the day was about  about 2/3 work and 1/3 rest.  This lead to all sorts of self examination trying to figure out where I could find time for play. I even discussed it with Gail, but it appears that she isn't even finding time for rest, so her opinion wasn't much help.  She and I speak every day, but have only seen each other once since March 14, when she came to pick up the extra Hosta we had.

 So I need to rest less and play more.  Not a pleasant alternative either,  By the early evening, I was so upset with myself, I took about 45 minutes, and went downstairs and cut out shapes from the compressed foam, and now have eight foam shapes to make prints from. I think the whole sh---ty day was the result of me procrastinating over cutting that foam. It was so expensive, and I know that I can probably never replace it, and I just didn't want to actually cut it into pieces.  But now, I have all of those pieces to make stamped designs out of--when I can find the time.  Just doing that one little thing has lead to so may ideas and creative thoughts.  Brings to mind that slogan that I mentioned in the past--"Just Do It!".

Now I'm quite looking forward to today, even if it is laundry day, and a busy one.  I'll have to look out for those bad decisions though.

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