Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Just a normal day

Yesterday, David was feeling the effect of his gardening.  At least that'a what it could have been, but he hadn't done any gardening in the two days leading up to it, but his back hurt, really hurt.  He was miserable most of the day, and even agree to take two of my very strong Tylenol.  Just about supper time, he agreed to head for Urgent Care.  We were there for over 6 hours, at which time they gave him two more Tylenol and sent us home. They did x-rays and blood work etc. but couldn't tell him anything more.  We stopped at McDonald's on the way home to get him a burger, as he missed supper, and went home to bed. He's not much better today, but was able to take us out to buy him an new mask for his CPap machine, and to take me to Artists' Emporium to try to find a sketch book that would accept water colour.  I've been very upset at having my pretty pages ruined when the colour from the next page seeped through.  I ended up with two different kinds, and am anxious to try them out.  I also ended up with a lot of other stuff that I'm anxious to play with, as well, including a new brayer( roller). to replace one that has not aged well.

Not much else going on.  We see the doctor tomorrow, and plan to do our weekly shopping on our way home.  Then there is a weekly special at Starbucks, between 2:00 and 7:00, that sounds interesting.

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