Thursday, June 4, 2020

What a day!

So much was accomplished that I'll probably forget half of it.  I mentioned yesterday that I'm getting ready for the lesson on acrylic paint but had a lack of blues, which would make mixing colours difficult.  So today we both wanted to get away from the house for a bit, and headed for Micheal's to look for blue paint.  They didn't have any "open" acrylics, and almost nothing of a similar quality.  So David suggested that we head for the art supply store over on St. James Street.  Usually a pretty straight forward drive, but we hadn't counted on the construction.  A bit of an adventure, but we got there.  Not only did they have the paint that I wanted, I also picked up some linoleum for carving into printing blocks, as I knew that I would be wanting it later in this module. David said that I should get whatever I thought I might need so that we wouldn't have to  make a another trip over.  So I did.  A new cutting chisel for the linoleum printing, 4 oil pastels that turned out to be exactly the same product as was recommending for the course, and a black oil paint pen.  Then there was the check out.  A bit of a gulp when he gave us the total, but then he asked if I was a member.  Yes, but it may have been awhile ago.  He looked me up and gave me a discount.  With the tax, it cut the total by almost 20 percent. Then back to our side of town, and to Starbucks.  I bought David an iced tea, and took it to him in the car.  By the time I got back into the store and picked up my drink, he was coming through the door asking if he could get a refill.  Now, I had paid with reward stars, and I don't think this entitled me to a free refill, but the fellow behind the counter says "for you,Pat, we'll give him a refill".. Bonus!

Now we're eating supper.  We found some potatoes hidden in the pantry, that really needed using. So David is making home made shredded hash browns.  Wonderful!  However, between the two of us, the timing of supper is a little off. So, we're eating it one item at a time--and loving it!

Overall and very good day.  I can only hope that the evening goes half as well.

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