Sunday, July 3, 2016


Yesterday was our Village's celebrations for Canada Day. I went down to the pharmacy for some pills early so to avoid the Parade crowd but the downtown was already full of cars and the waterfront with people and boats and music from the band stand. At home we had a BBQ but at 4 pm haring the fire trucks blazing, I stepped onto the road from where we can see the intersection downtown, and was able to see the whole parade (from a distance mind you) From then on, drifts of music came our way, and then at 10 pm the boom boom of fireworks filled the air. We heard on the CBC about how dogs react to thunderstorms and fireworks and that one should try to avoid the noises with them ie put in basement or somewhere. And true to form, Scooby jumped onto the bed and needed much stroking until the last fizzle could no longer be heard. From our place with windows open every noise is very loud and clear - even the final foray of fireworks and the big round of oohs and aahs, and then applause from the crowd.  I never really liked going to see fireworks.
This morning the air is filled with a fine mist - sort of nice to walkout early with a coffee. Won't last though as the sun starts to burn it off.  The neighbours next door from Holland will arrive next Thursday for six weeks vacation. Her sister who lives across the street was over doing the weeding in the flower beds and starting to tidy up the yard a bit in anticipation of their arrival.  She says her sister does not do any physical activities like gardening - even her household chores are most often done by her husband. Nice eh! Anyway, some of our privacy shall be compromised for this time as they enjoy their balcony and yard, but we cannot really complain, can we?  
On with my day.....take care.

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