Monday, July 11, 2016

Sort of a lazy day??

It felt like a lazy day but when I think of it, I was out weeding, and then watering, and I walked up to the Post office, and I organized a cupboard, and I made a nice supper. But I still feel a bit lack luster today. So I just made a cup of "Nighty Night " tea, and plan to read - I am just about finished this Stuart Woods book ( #3 of the  Stone series). and should be able to do just that this evening.
Tomorrow we go to Huntsville - this is becoming a weekly affair- talk about habits forming and then it just seems like the thing to do- do you folks develop these sorts of habits without knowing it is happening? But I do have to slip into the TD Bank to transfer some money from a RIF to the chequing account. I called the eave trough company to finalize the work - I had to leave a voice mail and have not heard back yet so don't know when they will come. But it's a first positive step to try to remedy the watering pumping issue and I feel good about it (so far). 
So Cathy, how are your days - did you plan anything for today? I know you have some commitments this week, but hope a quiet sit on the patio with a good book will take priority?  I told you about winning the certificate for Golf - I took it to that friend in Sundridge - she says she hasn't golfed for ages but was tempted to go so this was her incentive to actually go again. So I feel good about this as well!
Pati it is almost done - take a deep breathe and trudge through the rest and then celebrate when you "reclaim" your space. And please send pictures when you can - I feel as if I have been an active participant.  Take care

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