Wednesday, July 31, 2019


In admiring the colours and designs of your fabric collection just received Pati, I believe you may, indeed, be influenced by The Last Homely House host. Cathy I wonder if you have had a chance to log into that blog just so you know for yourself some of our references to her and the blog? She just completed a quilt on commission with bright and bold colours and she gushed with enjoyment and excitement with every mention of her choices. I must say, very similar to Pati's choices and also Kaffi's designs!! 
I think you are headed in the right direction Pati - good on you!
And in addition, I enjoyed the Mouse factory entry touring us through your design board - Oh, how this thrilled me, as it brought back memories for me as well. First that I have actually sat on your chair - there- and viewed this wall, and second because I, too, have a doll face - a souvenir from the Ottawa Convention of 2006. I also have been thinking so much of sewing again, and wondering how i could manage this. I had to pull out the machine to sew something for Harry a day or so ago, and then Mike asked if I could bring the machine to sew a torn top he had. With each sitting at the machine I was back into my dream state - the state where you wish you could sit all day at the machine and sew, and be perfectly happy!!
We went to Mike's today for a visit - I did sew his top while there - and had another nice get together. The only issue is that the dog Bailey is "out of sorts" and I am now worried enough that I shall call for an appt tomorrow at the Vet. He acted totally out of character on the trip and at Mike's and has been demonstrating some untoward symptoms over the last day or so. I get myself too upset when there is an issue with the animals - I guess because I feel helpless. So another worry!...ugh!
Time for bed and I'll deal with it tomorrow. The power went out here last night in the middle of the night for a few hours. Apparently Harry read after the fact that it was a planned outage but when you do not know so you can plan for it, it becomes an annoyance.  Take care folks. Love seeing all your pictures. Maybe I should learn how to send pictures - do you think it's time haha?

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