Monday, July 8, 2019


Winnipeg heard some thunder and got a wee sprinkle of rain, but  I was in Lorette which saw a deluge, and lots of thunder and lightening.  I was at my second Monday craft group that meets in the Chicken Chef there.  We were almost finished when the rain struck.  Watching how strongly the wind was driving the rain across the street, made all of us decided that we would rather stay in place than try to head out on the highway.   So we ordered dessert and coffee, and stayed for another 45 minutes.  We were the only people in the restaurant.  As people do in this sort of situation the two waitresses and the three of us gathered in front of the windows and watched and talked.  Once it died down I headed home and saw only sprinkles on the windshield.  We, too, plan to water tomorrow.

Once I got home, I found David's sister visiting.  She mentioned that it had been 6 months since we had seen each other.  We got caught up on family.  I sometimes see a Facebook post from her son, John, in New Zealand, or his wife, Emma.  They raise and train dogs for agility skill competitions.  I sometimes wonder how our small family ended up with two such diverse couples in the family, with the same sort of interest, when they have never met each other.

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