Thursday, March 5, 2020

Another Day

And it's Cathy's Birthday!!  I hope you have great day, and get to do whatever makes you happy.  while birthdays are always great when you get to spend them with family, sometimes that just doesn't work out, and you have to use your own dreams to create your own day.  Best Wishes, Cathy.

My day didn't quite start out so great.  We ended up with 10-15 cm of snow, rather than the 3-5 that had originally been predicted, so David had to get out the snowblower first thing.  I worry about him out there all alone, and try to keep an eye, or maybe an ear, open just in case.  Well, I heard a sudden loud noise that sounded like the snowblower had hit the house, and then the sound of the snowblower didn't move for what seemed to be too long.  I rushed out the front door, as that was where the sound appeared to be coming from, and down the stairs, into far deeper snow that I expected, missed the bottom step, and fell flat onto my face in the front flower bed.  I was flat in deep but soft snow, in my indoor clothing, with my feet on the sidewalk and my head lower into the flower bed..  There was no way I could get onto my knees or even turn myself over.  I was almost swimming in the snow.  Of course, I called David, even though I realized that he wouldn't hear me over the snowblower, and if he had had an accident he wouldn't be able to help at all.  I was in a panic. It seemed forever, with me struggling and getting colder and colder before David came out the front door, in his stocking feet, and found me.  He had gone into the house to look for me.  That's why the snowblower hadn't moved.  Well, he couldn't lift me or help me up, but between the two of us I got up on my knees and then holding onto his arms, managed to walk on my knees over to the front stairs, where I used the railing to pull myself up, again with his help.  Then he helped me into the house.  By that time we were both very wet, and cold.  The first step was to get my hands under warm water to try to warm them up a bit, and then it was strip down for both of us, and find dry clothes for me and socks for him.  By that time, the kitchen floor and living room rug were both covered in snow.

When I was down there I was hoping a neighbour could see me and help, but after the fact, I was almost glad no neighbour saw the performance.  Needless to say,  I hurt all over.  I'm concerned about my knees, as I've been warned not to bear weight on them.  Thank Goodness, the snow was soft enough to minimize the actual pain of bearing weight at the time, or I would never have made it over to the stairs. But no bones were broken, and there was no blood, so maybe the worst damage was to my dignity.

So we're both taking it easy this evening.  Project Runway is on at 9:00 until 10:30.  It the finale, so we don't want to miss a minute. Maybe with a glass of wine?

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