Saturday, March 28, 2020

Which way is up?

After talking to Loren yesterday, I called HealthLinks, at his strong suggestion.  She told me that any respiratory problems mean a trip to Emergency or call an ambulance.  Anything else-- just stay at home.  How can they have an accurate count of people with the virus, if they only count those taken to Emergency?  But I do have every other symptom, and I don't appear to be getting any better.  I really just want to sleep.  I had hoped to do a little more on the batik piece I'm trying to work on, but recognize that I'm in no shape for it.

We're going to make some sourdough bread, during our time at home.  This morning David has started a Multi-grain recipe, that we found in the sourdough book.  I think it's one we devised for ourselves  years ago when we were doing this regularly.  

Yes, there are empty shelves in the grocery stores, and I can see a store in a small town being reluctant to put out too much, for fear that it won't sell, with people only picking up what they feel are necessities.  I've noticed in the grocery store we were in last week that there was very little beef, but more pork.  That could also be a reflection of the time of year.  The empty shelves there were paper goods, and cleaning supplies.  When I looked the only things there were two bottles of Pine Sol-seriously!  The only dish detergent was a couple of bottles of the new Blue Dawn stuff that you spray on your dishes without using any water.  I can just imagine how much of that you would go through if you were washing any number of dishes. And it wasn't cheap.  David found a bottle of Lysol and got excited, until we realized that it was toilet bowl cleaner.  Powdered milk is also in demand.  David told me that by the time he picked up two packages and put them in his cart the full shelf had been emptied. The previous two times we had been in there was none on the shelf.

Okay.  That's the report for today.  My bed is calling, and it's only 10:30 am.

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