Sunday, March 22, 2020

I find out something new every day.

Reading the Free Press this morning, there was an article about the difficulties roommates are finding in maintaining a social distance when you live in the same house/apartment.  The anecdotal parts of the article showed examples of things that night have come up.  One was disinfecting the kitchen after every time it's used.  (cue sound of hysterical laughter.)  I spend most of my computer time sitting in the kitchen.  But I see the wisdom in, perhaps, making more of an effort to reduce the invisible pollutants ( note how careful I am to not use the word "dirt")  This is why people are hoarding cleaning supplies!  Duh!

So, how do I proceed?  The last time my kitchen was immaculate was when the contractor turned it over following the renovations.  I admit that we've been hand washing dishes daily.  This covers the things that don't go in the dishwasher, or are used everyday, such as my Bodum. (Oh, I miss Starbucks!!)  In the past this might have been done every two or three days.  We've also been eating more common meals.  That is cooking one meal for us to share rather than two separate meals, that weren't always both ready at the same time.  I'm also considering how difficult it is to change habits.
I think that maybe the best I can hope for is to wipe everything down with a good cleaner, after every use.  I may not be able to keep track of "every use" as most of my time is being spent in the basement (We've got the "social distancing" down to a science!).  But realistically, I can't see being able to accomplish more.  I'm also going to try to remember to give the bathroom a wipe down whenever it's sued.  The article in the paper stated using separate bathrooms was needed, but that just isn't going to work around here, with the other bathroom being downstairs, and both of us having increasing difficulty with the stairs. To heck with toilet paper, we're going to need to hoard paper towel!

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