Sunday, March 29, 2020

Wondering how everyone is doing?

It is hard to be apart and wondering how everything is going with you folks especially when messages outline some concerns. I have been taking my temp everyday ( with a rectal thermometer in my mouth covered with a protective cover) I could not find a regular thermometer at the Pharmacy - sold out. But it will do for now......
They are now reporting on the news the concern in our area of the many summer cottagers coming up from the south to their cottages to sit out the isolation here - but also going to local stores and obviously depending on our limited medical facilities and equipment if they need help. They are being asked not to come but then the Cottagers Associations state they pay taxes and have every right to come up here. What an upsetting dilemna......
Waiting for the rain to come as forecast. Yesterday i set up the pump outside to prepare. For many days now I have been shoveling at the front - water from the snow melting that accumulates - but realize that with the predicted rain fall, i could not keep that up. My challenge was to find an indoor plug that hopefully is not on the same circuits as the other three cords I have leading out of the window to the greenhouses and the three heaters in place there. My worry is blowing a fuse and then not being able to access the fuse box or know which fuse has blown to replace it. This of course has always been one of my ongoing issues so is why I try to avoid it happening. Oh joy.....
So I shall have some breakfast and get on with yet another day in paradise haha! Take care my sisters...XX

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