Monday, March 23, 2020

What a change...

...and what a busy, tiring day you had Pati. It really looks as if there is so much more room in the studio, and that the rest of basement space looks a bit full now? or is the picture deceiving? How do you access your computer now.....move it onto the cutting table? I love to get these pictures so that I can imagine what the room looks like, and what you are up to in the studio when you write about your work. And the take out Chinese sounded like an excellent idea - "staying in place" from a distance?  That little place in the Mall is still open obviously, and how do they handle passing off the food to you and collecting the money? I have been in there with you so know how it is laid out.
Lots of work in the greenhouses yesterday and now that the weather is going to be milder for a while ( although some snow and some rain coming) I will enjoy it so much better. I dread the fact that i have to cover and uncover and check heaters all the time. I will still have yo do that for awhile but now not so bad when you can manage it being easier ( ie no frozen solid blankets that just bend instead of lay nicely atop the roofs etc.)
So here is to another week of it all....I shall be minding Bailey still and taking him to the Vet but no plans to go anywhere else - maybe the Lottery Store to buy tickets but I have done that already and know how to keep my distance from others. 
Hope all is well with everyone there. ps Cathy about your losing days and times - I developed a good way for me to keep track because i too, was in the same boat as you described. I have a calendar on the fridge door and every morning I cross off the day with a felt pen and always have the calendar visible while working in the kitchen so that I can orient myself to date etc and keep track of appts which i write down. I also mark when i water the plants (with a W on that date) and other special notes that seem important. it has worked for me for years so I shall not stop this practice as I have found it to be a saviour for me haha!
Take care

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