Saturday, March 7, 2020

Slowing Down

Well, I knew I needed to slow down a bit, and get some rest, after a very busy couple of weeks, and trying to battle a cold as well.  Yesterday morning I woke up sore all over, but found that moving and Tylenol helped.  Today, the moving is much more difficult and the Tylenol doesn't seem to be helping.  All of this has made me think.  I guess it's true that if we don't listen to what our bodies say to us, Mother Nature will step in and force us to behave.  No, I'm not hurt, but stiff and sore, and I can work some of it out by moving, but too much moving can make it worse.  So I'm relaxing as much as I can, and moving only as much as I need to.  So far I haven't changed my analgesic routine at all--which, to me, is a good sign.

Poor little Bailey is having a much worse time, I'm sure.  And he won't understand why it's happening, but I'm sure he will know that things feel much better when you hold him and cuddle him.  Harder on you because you do understand what's going on, and the potential repercussions of it all.

I need a new bedroom clock.  We both have the same type of clock with big letters and enough light to serve as a night light.  We've had them for a few years and they both have a tendency to gain time slowly, although there is no way to correct that.  Mine has gained about 24 minutes since I got it , lo  those many years ago.  They are computerized to the extent that they automatically change for DLS.  Well, mine suddenly changed to an hour faster yesterday, so I figure that the workings are truly screwed up and it's time for a new clock.  We've talked about new clocks for over  a year now and the day has come. The cost is $20 each, and we buy them at Walmart, so they really don't owe us anything and that was a good purchase--taking the source into consideration.

Nothing else on tap for the weekend, so I truly plan to take it easy and try to catch up on sleep.  Monday I have a very early appointment to be assessed for two new hearing aids.  Our Income tax refund last year was put away for this, and we now have a refund from this year.  There is lots of stuff we could buy with the money, so we want to nail down these hearing aids before the money melts away.  It was a relief to find out that I don't need reading glasses, as that was the other priority we had for the money.

Beth, last Thursday was a special buy one, get one sale at Starbucks.  It was also the last day before going back to phase one on my diet, so I bought myself a Cinnamon, Dulce latte.  Quite nice.  You may want to try it sometime.  Of course, the other one I bought--for me--was my regular Hazelnut Latte.  That one just can't be beat. IMHO

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