Sunday, March 22, 2020

I find I lose track of the days......

I first noticed it when I retired, but I had a daily routine that kept me on track.  Now that I am home most of the time all the days blend together.  Jim and I may watch different TVs in different rooms, but all our meals are together and we use only one bedroom.  And when we can agree on something to watch we are in the same room.  Yesterday we drove into town just to see what was happening.  We stayed in the car.  It didn't seem much different from other Saturdays except for the restaurants closed and only offering pickup food.  Rrain tells me that some of the stores have lines marked on the floor that customers cannot cross when paying for their groceries. We have enough food to last us a very long time, but we will have to get some prescriptions filled early next week, and I will check to see if there is anything we need from the store and do that at the same time.  We are trying to do one big "chore" each day and go for a walk.  At least there is no concern of running into people when we walk down the road.  So far no one has tested positive in this area, but who knows who is walking around.  We had a lot of people come back from their Winter vacations just around the time people started to be aware of the virus.  I am rationing my library books but will run out very soon.  Then it is on to e-books.  Rrain is still working.  Artsforward is closed but they are using the time to do grant applications without interruption.  They are also catching up on sorting through papers in the office and supplies in the basement.  I haven't heard from Kris in a couple of days, but with Sandi working at the hospital and Kris in the grocery store they are both considered essential services.  I will have to touch base with him today.  I find it interesting that there is so much in the news about how pollution levels have dropped world wide.  I wonder if we will learn from this.

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