Monday, July 13, 2009


The Nanaimo Bar mix wasn't quite what I remembered. I guess this means that I'll have to bite the bullet and actually buy the ingredients to make it from scratch.

Had Amber and the children for supper last night. I made a cold supper and it was far more work that a hot one would have been, but at least, Jessica enjoyed it. She seems to be addicted to deviled eggs, so gets some protein. The little one didn't eat a lot, but Amber says she has been off her food lately. Not necessarily a bad thing because she had a appetite like a stevedore for quite awhile. Her hair was done a little differently and I can't believe how different she looked. She was happy and giggling most of the evening as well, which was a welcome change.

A long bike ride this morning. The bike trail is 5.5km from end to end and we went most of the way, but were both ready to quit about 3/4 of the way home--so cut it short. We're off to Pinawa on Friday, and need to make sure the stock is all priced and packed. Since David wants to pick strawberries on Wednesday, it looks like the next couple days will be busy. We have been talking about getting a couple more easels to display work, and I have a lot more matted work. So we're going to head out this morning with my Michael's coupons and get a couple more. David likes to put a coat of varnish on them, and will need a couple of days to do that.

Amber wanted to know what she could contribute to the long weekend. Since everyone will be up and out etc at different times, I told her that I would let her know the menus, and then she could bring whatever her family might need over and above. The little ones tend to be fussy eaters, and I tend not to cater to them. There is freezer room down there and David will be going down for a couple of days next week, in the truck with Gail, so I'll send some "stuff" down then. It'll make packing for the weekend much easier.

So now it's up and "at 'em" , and off to Micheal's for the third time in 4 days.

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