Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Trying to catch up with yourself

I know exactly what you mean Beth. This summer I had promised myself that I would spend time out in the yard--especially if I could sit and stitch. But I have such long mental lists of things that "need to be done", that I've only been able to get out there once--so far. I find myself apologizing for not being busy every single minute of the day. And I have to give myself permission to sit for a minute or two during the day. The drive/need all comes from internal sources, and I often have to remind myself of that.

I realized that I had never answered your question, Beth. At this point we plan to get to the lake on Thursday--especially if there is any chance you might be able to get there that day. I even have a "Thursday menu" planned-chicken fingers and chips-easily adjusted at the last minute for extra people, just in case Cathy and Jim are able to get away a day early (hint-hint).

So now off for a meeting, and a bit of shopping. David is at the lake for a couple of days, so my time is my own. Oh Yeah! Two meetings and an appointment to have the car serviced!

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