Sunday, September 11, 2011

Be - with glass of wine in hand...... I am. The next door neighbours gave Harry a box of beer and me a bottle of Pelee Island wine for vegetables that we give them on a regular basis. They didn't have to, and we have told them we want nothing for the veg we give them but nevertheless there they are with gifts in hand.  So I opened the bottle of wine this afternoon and have my second goblet beside me now. Spent the afternoon picking up apples off the ground, those that were free fall, and those that Harry shook off the tree while I held the ladder. Yesterday he bought a squash at the market that was two feet across (I'm sure). So this morning it was cooked up and most of it frozen except what we had for supper and what I shall take to Mothers tomorrow. He went to garage sales Sat and I went to Mothers. Same old story......this afternoon I felt I wanted to do something for myself so went into my studio (haha to think I have a studio) and did a bit of knitting on my prayer shawl until Harry decided that I should pick up apples. Wouldn't you know it, the little cat thought I had left heaven for him and had my ball of warn all over the hall floor. Too bad for him, and me, as it is now all put away safely. I watched two movies last night – Harry bought a little DVD player at a garage sale a few weeks ago and it is actually great for me – I lay on the bed and watch it – small screen but quite nice. Self contained machine with a little screen and all you do is plug it in, although it has a battery which I could use anywhere if I wanted.  I watched Shanghai Noon, and Night at the Roxbury both of which were given to me by Mike, and also two of my all time favourites. Two weeks ago I watched The Red Violin which Mike also gave me – remember Cathy I brought this one when I came last year and we watched it at your place. Not having much luck with Lottery tickets lately – not even a free ticket so can't help you out right now – although I am sure our luck will change and we'll be in the money soon– so get ready for your train trip across Canada haha Listening all day to the 10th anniversary of 911 – sad to hear about it again, but on a happier note, Cross Country Check up on CBC had a live broadcast from Gander where many of the diverted planes landed 10 years ago, and it was a light hearted show with lots of laughs about what they did with all the stranded passengers, and all the friendships made during that time. Thanks again for that salsa recipe as I have really enjoyed the taste on many different food items. Tomorrow I plan to make French Meat Roll at Mothers and will take some to put on that as well. By the looks of the tomatoes yet to redden in the garden, and the pending frost that is sure to hit us soon, I expect that I can make some more quite easily. I have already made three batches of zucchini muffins to use up some of it, but then I like them and eat them all up. So much for the weight reduction! Take care as we approach another full week of fun and adventure.

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