Saturday, September 3, 2011

Salsa (part 2)

I use salsa on lots of things. It is good on hamburgers (or in hamburgers for that matter) Taco's without question. Rrain can't eat taco chips, so she uses thin triscuits as tacos and grates cheese on them, heats them and eats them with salsa. I have put it in scrambled eggs. It works better if you put it on the eggs after they are cooked. I have cooked it with the eggs but it all sort of mixed together and I had pink eggs. They tasted good, but lacked in presentation! it works on fried eggs too. I guess a good way to describe it is that I use it as a condiment, like catsup. It really pairs well with anything with cheese. Use it on pasta. Anything you want! Now I am getting hungry! It is going to rain again today (YEAH) but I need to get into the garden and get some onions, peppers, tomatoes etc. I just hate getting to work first thing on a Satuday. I want to chill out for a while. Unfortunately I end up relaxing all day! It's a long weekend! Yippee!!!

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