Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Weird - book order

I have ordered the book Twice A Spy at the Library this morning and this is weird because it is coming from South River Library - 5 minutes up the highway.  I asked if maybe I shouldn't just drive there but the Librarian stated that it was not possible - it had to go through the proper process. So there...
I visited with Daisy at the appointed time of 10:00 am - knocked on the door and waited ten minutes before going to my cell phone and calling the home number. Finally Daisy answered and then came to let me in. The granddaughter was in the shower.  Just as I sat down another car came - this is a young mother with a 3 week old baby. Daisy lived beside this ladies husband and his sister from the time both the siblings were born so is really close to this family. This is the first time for her to see the baby so she was all! I stayed only long enough to be polite and then left them to visit. As it was, I really was just sitting there without much input and only socially interacting as appropriate. 
So that is my day so far.... except that my cats have been "mousing" yesterday and today. It is spooky to know that the little critters are about upstairs somewhere - the little cat is bringing them upstairs and then the other two are playing cat and mouse. The little cat is very possessive of his catch - and apparently very proud of his accomplishments.  Oh, woe is me......

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