Thursday, July 6, 2017


Bet there is lots of jam at the Findlay place today.  Hope you had a good day of kitchen work. It is always satisfying to see the jars all lined up and ready for the year to come.
Today I got my hair cut.  This is great celebration for me - always a wonderful feeling to go to the hairdressers. The days have been warm and humid so all the more reason to get it all cut off. 
There may be a bit of rain tonight after several days of dryness. We actually had to water all the plants today - they had been so drenched by all the rain for so long, that we were a bit slack in realizing it was time to water.
My goal to clean out the little metal shed has also been realized although it was tough to accomplish and there is so much residual junk still hanging about.  The car is loaded for the first of what I expect to be many runs to the dump tomorrow.  The dump is closed Wed and Thursdays so we did not have a chance to do it as I was cleaning each day.  At the same time, Harry has decided to renovate the big greenhouse by building a slanted roof over top of the current flat one. It has been leaking for years.  So we have made our own trusses and bought heavy plastic to go over the top. This should be interesting to actually construct this. I'll let you know how things progress.
We decorated the lawn of the neighbours next door arriving from Holland.- they are to arrive sometime around 11 pm tonight so we will not see them until tomorrow. The helium balloons look good all in a row along the driveway, but the wind has been blowing all day and they have been whipped around quite a bit.
Time for bed. Take care!

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