Sunday, August 20, 2017

Fun read for me...

It was a good feeling for me to read the blog this morning and follow along with your musings...both Cathy and Pati.  I also enjoyed seeing your latest art piece updates with the threading done in parts Pati -  the parts you were able to show in the picture that is.  I know you plan to show the piece so keeping it under wraps is your aim.  That's fine as I viewed what you did send with some amazement.
How about a Budgie update ------ 8 eggs laid in total, and so far two chicks have hatched.  The father eats food, passes it from his mouth to the mother and she feeds the chicks. They apparently take full responsibility for feeding until the chicks are about 2 weeks. I guess that is when I take over?  I'm just running with this as I have no idea, but I can be sure that Harry will be telling me what to do. haha!
Doing lots of veg and fruit today as Harry stopped by some Farmers markets yesterday. The fruit lady from the south called this morning from Beamsville (where they live in Niagara area) to wonder if we wanted peaches as her husband was coming through tomorrow - I begged off this time as we have so much to get through right now.
Well this was just a little break in my day and Harry was laying down so I grabbed the computer. So I better get back at my work now. Enjoy your heat - we don't have such high temps but the sun is actually shining right now. This helps to "brighten" the day. Take care

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