Saturday, July 11, 2020

A Wee Bit of Magic

Over breakfast, I declared today as a "do what you will" day.  I spent some time downstairs for the first time since last Monday, but I balanced that with sitting outside reading, and then I prepared supper by myself.  David chose to wash the kitchen floor and then do a little vacuuming( I think he vacuumed).  I ate my lunch outside, with my book, and then sat for awhile.  We had put some peanuts, in the shell, on our outdoor table.  We have been putting the chairs far enough away that the squirrel can't jump from the chair backs or seats, so we hope that the peanuts are enjoyed by the Blue Jays.  Well, with me sitting there a young male Jay kept flying down to the table, picking up a peanut and flying away.  He would land on the table, look at me, quickly grab the peanut and dart away.  Finally he landed looked me in the eye for several seconds bent his head to one side,  and looked at me a few seconds more before flying away with his peanuts.  I wonder if he was asking himself why that stupid old woman wasn't eating those wonderful  peanuts.  I felt very privileged to share these few exchanges with him, and felt as though I had experienced some sort of magic.  However, later in the afternoon we realized that the squirrel had finally learned to jump onto the table from the ground.

For supper, I got together some of the pre-prepared veggies that we foolishly bought yesterday, along with one of the B-B-Q sauces that we also bought, and some chicken, and made a very nice traditional stir-fry.  It must have been good as there wasn't enough to save left over.  The two big fruit trays we also foolishly bought are mainly melon and fresh pineapple, and that's what I've mainly been nibbling on.

Tomorrow I hope to get a little more done downstairs.  I'm working on one of the exercises from my course, and am quite excited about it.  I've given a lot of thought about how it would be best to proceed, and now have a rough plan.  But I'm going to continue working fairly slowly.

While today was quite pleasant out, this evening has been very warm and humid.  We may have to turn the A/C on again tomorrow.  Hope not.

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