Thursday, July 30, 2020

Busy days but not much accomplished

Yesterday David went to get his new hearing aids.  Knowing it would take about an hour to program them, I went to Starbucks for coffee, rather than wait outside in the car. Driving North on Route 90 from Sterling Lyon Parkway. I experienced one lane traffic both ways.  I also noticed that the South Lane was backed up bumper to bumper, as far to the North as I could see.  I managed to turn west at Corydon, to head  for the little mall where Starbucks was, found a table inside, and relaxed over my coffee.  But I also started to plan how I would get back to pick David up, and finally decided that my best bet would be to head straight East to Waverley and then back South to the Parkway again to head West, totally avoiding Route 90.  I also realized that I would have to head back much earlier, as I had so much further to go.  So off I go.  As I'm heading East on Corydon, I ran into single lane construction, and got in a panic, but then remembered that last time we went that way, we got through the construction fairly quickly. Then my cell phone rings, and knowing it was David, I answered it, while driving through the construction.  It was the office lady telling me that he was ready much earlier as there had been a problem with the hearing aids.  She started to describe the problem, and I just said Thank you I'm driving, and hung up.  I owe her an apology.  But this brought back my panic, and then I realized that I had reached Stafford and Corydon and there had been no Waverley.  I should have been on Grant.  Total panic.  Still in construction, and the sign said no right turn, so I drove through the intersection. Then realized that the sign had actually said "No right turn on red light".  I could have turned

By this point all I can think of was getting back to David as quickly as possible and that meant getting back to Stafford so that I could get to Grant.  Turned South, and got into residential streets, none of which had anything except stop signs for getting onto very busy Stafford. At this point I'm almost in tears. After forever, a nice man stopped and let me out ( he had no choice as he was waiting for a red light at the next intersection North).  Then it was a quick job to get to David, who had been waiting in a very hot, sunny parking lot.  I was pretty well a "basket case' for the rest of the day.

Today was 3 1/2 hours of frantic grocery shopping, and spending far too much money, followed by a nap.  But, at least, the groceries got put away, before I passed out.

Now, tomorrow David has a 7:30 doctors appointment, and I have laundry to face when we get home.  I'm not holding up well with this activity, but only have to get through the wine bottling on Saturday, when I can rest for the rest of the weekend.  I will definitely need it.  I'm very much feeling my age.

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