Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Boho Beads

Yesterday Gail and I spent over four hours sitting at her dining room table working on our Boho Beads.  I headed out right after watching The View, stopping at Subway for a couple of sandwiches, and then Tim's for a coffee ( she doesn't keep coffee in her house).  Still made it out there about 11:45.  She was ready to eat, and we got things sorted out while having lunch.  She has one of those big, round dining room tables with a large Lazy Susan built into the middle.  She had set up her stuff, leaving space for mine, and then aimed a large fan down the center between us.  This kept it almost cool all day, as she has a small portable a/c set up in a window just off the combination  living room/dining room.  We worked steadily until about 3:45, and only finished 3-4 beads each.  We were also able to throw ideas around about how they might possibly be offered for sale, but this was in the full  realization that they are a labour of love and would never produce a profit. I felt a little guilty about the time we spent together, as she is self employed, and doesn't get paid, if she doesn't work, but she had wanted the day off. 

Then it was a drive home during rush hour, which turned out not to be too bad, as I chose a route to avoid what I knew to be trouble areas.  Still, by the time I got home, I was exhausted.  That intense 4 hour period of creative steady work, plus the highway driving did me in.  We watched the news, and then antiques Roadshow, than David found another Antiques Roadshow.  After that I wanted to relax with a poker tournament, as I knew that if I went to bed too early, I would be up very early.  Got caught up in the tournament, and ended up staying up far too long.  Then had trouble falling asleep, and saw 1:00 over a cup of Sleepytime Tea--which finally did the job.  So today I will take it somewhat easy.  David has to take the car in for an oil change today, and I have yet to unpack the big tote bag I used to take the stuff out to Gail's yesterday.  I have started another hand stitching project, and did a fair bit last evening, while watching tv, so will have to take an iron to that.  But I still see a nap in my future today, and since we don't go grocery shopping until tomorrow or Thursday, I'll maybe have a chore finding something for supper this evening.

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