Friday, July 3, 2020

Refreshing blog post...

The road trip blog post was a delight for me to read. How nice to just get out and explore and enjoy, as well as visit friends. I loved the pictures. Maybe you folks find pictures of Manitoba ho hum, but let me tell you how much I would love to be there and enjoy for myself in person. There is a special feeling about thinking of "home"and I often go through my memories of the mind keeps me sane..(or maybe not!!)
I have seen pictures of the devastation from the rains/storms. Harry had aerial views of Neepawa from Facebook that we looked at..even a picture of the shed where they were filling sand bags. I looked to see if i could see Rrain but of course that picture was too high up overhead to get a close look Now there is worry over a dam in Rivers. Terrible to imagine especially at this time of year. The Spring time always brings concern there, but not in summer. The weather changes are certainly having a toll on people these days - so uncertain what will happen. We have had tornadoes in our area frequently this season - nothing real close but in and around Huntsville, and that is quite close since we go there frequently to shop and Doctor.  
Today I take Bailey for an appt to the Vet for reassessment. I want a urinalysis, and blood work done to see if he has overcome his acute kidney failure that was apparent when he was so ill. And to discuss the ongoing treatment plan for him related to medications etc. I stopped giving him fluids by subcutaneous injection two weeks ago as it was annoying him (and me) and he seems to be doing OK without that as long as I encourage him to drink. I do not want to upset the applecart so to speak as he is doing well, but I want to get him back to more "normal" if I can.
It really is too hot to be working outside - I do not have to tell you folks how hot it is as you have sent me this wonderful weather right???  But having said that, I was outside all day yesterday. I was puttering. I cleaned the BBQ because i want to have some meals on the BBQ, cleaned out the one shed full of all the coverup blankets and sheets and put them away neatly. The squirrels/chipmunks have used that shed for storage of pine cones etc so had to do a lot of sweeping and cleaning. And then, of course, had to do the watering as things are so dry.We have another week of extreme hot temperatures to endure and then I hope for some relief. 
Take care my sisters. Enjoy a quiet weekend and hope you find a nice shady, breezy place to sit outside. Your patio seems to meet that Cathy. How about you Pati?  
ps Thank you Cathy for the name of my plant. I looked it up and got all the info. Unfortunately is highlights "poisonous for cats and dogs"  I better be sure to keep it out of reach if I can but I know the cats go into that sun room and onto the window sill so could gain easy access to the plant.

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