Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Out and about

I even got to try out my new umbrella!  Firstly we had to go to pick up my new hearing aid--the one I actually paid for--not the one they sent, that I've been using for the past four months.  For me it was a fairly quick set up, using the data she kept from when the wrong aid was set up. For David a little different.  He confessed that he hadn't worn his aids since lock down.  She checked them out, and found a severe distortion in one of them.  They are now six years old, and considering this distortion, could possibly be replaced.  She is applying for permission to do this, and also plans to arrange for David to have the same "in ear" aids that I do.  Since they had already arranged some "in ear"  pieces as part of his old aids, (even with still using the "over the ear" mechanisms), they would be able to use the ear molds that they already had, which would reduce costs somewhat. David is enthusiastic about this, which is the first time I've seen much enthusiasm on his part.

On the way home, we stopped for lunch at Tim's.  David chose to stop at the Tim's at the corner of Pembina and Grant.  Right at the corner of Pembina and Grant, with a shared parking lot with a Domo Station.  Then he wanted to eat on the patio, separated from this parking lot by only a short metal fence.  And did I mention the gathering storm clouds and accompanying wind?  It was a quick lunch.

Next stop was Walmart to pick up some pills.  This is where I got to try out the umbrella.  Sadly we don't both quite fit under it.  David picked up the pills while I stopped in the washroom, before meeting him at "Books".  Of course, on the way, I couldn't avoid stopping in craft supplies where I found some sea sponge that had been on my mental supply list, as well as another sketch book!  A bigger one this time. That makes 11.  The prices on the newer books scared us off, but we found a couple of books on the sale shelf.  One of them by Erin Hilderbrand, so I know I'll enjoy that one.

After all of this shopping and eating frenzy, most of the rest of the day was spent vegging in front of the tv. I was somewhat out of it most of the day.  The night before I had used a new type of sleep aid, and I'm wondering if that might behind my mental sluggishness.  I have a vague memory of a similar day last week, after using the stuff.  Needless to say, it's no longer around, and I'm feeling better today.  But I did get a lot of stitching done on my EPP while sitting around. Some how, I've not prepared enough pieces to complete the piece, and this can only be remedied by some dying.  Not that I'm adverse to that.  I had thought that I would have to dye more fabric to add the design on top of the EPP that I've been doing.  I expect the hand stitching will be completed by the end of the week and I'll post a picture then.

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