Saturday, July 18, 2020


We had a nasty storm yesterday afternoon.  Dark skies, rumbling thunder, then crashing thunder.  Quite scary.  But a lot of fuss and bother, until right near the end of it, when it rained like a good thing.  Short rainfall, but a drenching one. Gail and I were on the phone shortly after it started here, and we could compare events as it moved East toward her area.  Today it is hot and humid, as one might expect.  David is out in the garden cleaning up weeds as best he can without bending or kneeling down.  What a pair we are!

I've spent the last while working on the wording of a grant application for the Gallery.  I only have a small part of it, and others are working on the rest.  I sort of think it's neat that we're doing it collaboratively.  But it's starting to sound as though I might be pushed into having to bully it through the Board. Not what I want.

Otherwise, I'm working on my sketchbooks.  I've relaxed about it, and am just going with the flow.  So my pages are not looking like the ones in the workbook, but I'm much more comfortable working my way, and not unhappy with the results.

Now for a trip to Starbucks, and to return items to both Walmart and the grocery store.  Walmart on a summer Saturday afternoon, eh.  not anything I might want to do.

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