Thursday, July 16, 2020

Thunderstorms coming in...

Today the forecast is for thunderstorms and heavy rains and alerts for flooding etc etc. I do not think that may be as bad here and hoping not, but will be prepared if necessary. I did not water the garden last evening in anticipation of the rains, so I do want a little bit of water haha!
We were baby sitting ( that should read dog sitting) for Willie while they camped in Algonquin Park since the weekend and yesterday the little darling was picked up on their way back to North Bay. She was delightful and as small as could be but very needy as all chihuahuas are. But you should have seen how excited she got when Willie came up the sidewalk - she recognized him immediately and started to jump and kiss. I was happy to see that as she was a bit timid and frightened i think while she was here.All dogs are used to their own owners and I'm sure Bailey would act the same way if he were farmed out.
So Cathy, a new bed!! How exciting. Now I hope you got a good sleep. What about the love seat - did you not say you were getting that for the front room? I know what you mean about "new" furniture. How I would love to get something "new" for the front room. We tend to have very old stuff still. One of the two chesterfields is the very one I bought in 1975 when we returned from Germany to Petawawa. Now that is old!! I kind of like the idea you have Pati to go with nice easy chairs. But who am I kidding - I'll not be redecorating anytime soon!
My friend Ruth from across the street ( the one I was making cupcakes for her Birthday last week but got the wrong date) was one a list for open heart surgery and was called down to Newmarket this week and had ( or was supposed to have ) surgery yesterday at 3:30 pm  I will not likely hear from husband until i see him walking his dog on the street and we pas each other ( at a distance haha!). he told me Ruth's sister is coming on Friday from Eliott Lake to stay for a bit so she will have help. So I will not be baking anything for her for her actual Birthday on Saturday. She is 82 years and I hope this Surgery helps her with a better quality of life.
So I must go and have some breakfast. I just watched some footage from The Quilt Show while having my first coffee for the morning. I have not been keeping up to date with any of the blogs I usually watch - even The Last Homely House where the person has been ill and not posting. This is always my favourite and I miss her postings.
Take care folks. I have a lot of little tomatoes to do something with today...what should I do? Lets hope the weather will cooperate for the rest of this summer - already July is into it's last half!!

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