Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Lots of rain...

Rained a lot on our travels to and from Mike's today but once we got home this afternoon realized very little had come down here at home. The forecast states it will start to rain at 5:40 pm so there may be a chance of more?
Once again had a lovely visit with Mike and catch up with him.. He bought Harry an A/C ( for his Birthday so he says) and we unboxed it and sort of set a bit of it up there and now I shall complete the set it up here tomorrow. i just do not have the energy tonight to start. I felt blah today for some reason and laggy, and out if sorts, or whatever one wishes to describe it. I stayed up a bit after supper to do more "face covering" sewing and took three new masks to Mike. He immediately liked the one which by coincidence was the same fabric as my own which I have been wearing for a few months. So it is his, and I brought the other two back and will use for back up for me. i still have my sights on a gorgeous bold and bright fabric of orange and rose and yellow and red - flowers on orange background and I will try to sew another mask for myself out of that...just because!.
So now, I'll rest a bit and put the birds, and rabbits to bed, and then myself hoping tomorrow will bring a renewed level of energy for me to continue to carry on haha! Hope all is well there. Take care

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