Friday, August 6, 2010

Back in the saddle??

Not quite.
Spent most of yesterday at the doctor's office. When he saw my leg he said" Oh Yeah! That's infected!" So now I have antibiotics as well as a stronger diuretic in hopes of re-gaining control of the edema. But I look at my dosette and think "too many pills!"

Today, while I have to stay close to home because of the diuretic, I hope to get my act together and take control of what is going on around me. I feel like I've been in "LaLa Land" for a couple of weeks. The other problem with the diuretic is that I have to take it in the morning and then stick close to home. So I plan to take it after my bike ride! LOL Maybe tomorrow.

The only time I've spent in the studio lately was in sorting out a couple of quilts that need hanging to prevent creases. Once I've sorted out my kitchen and planned a few meals, I hope to get down there to tidy up , if nothing else.

Laundry calls!

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