Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Be - Is the "fog" contagious?

I also seem to be in a fog these days - I think I am trying too hard to catch up after my two weeks away, and apparently not doing a very good job of it. Tonight I turned the stove on to cook supper. I could smell something burning and checked under the pot of beans but couldn't see any foreign matter. Then I realized that I had not put any water into the pot before turning it on to full to boil. The bottom layer of beans was burnt, but after a quick rinse, I put water in and started the process again. So we had some burnt beans amongst all the cooked ones. This was after I had spent the afternoon in the kitchen doing various other jobs eg. tomato juice, canned rhubarb, making a batch of Patty's coleslaw (with the correct amount of dry mustard), and sandwich fillings ( egg, and salmon) for luncheon for tomorow at Mothers. Harry's cousin called us this afternoon to say he and his wife wanted to visit Mother. Since we are going tomorrow it was perfect timing as Mother now needs us there if someone visits. So how convenient for me to make lunch for others as well.
I take my car into the garage tomorrow to have that defective part replaced as result of a GM recall. Thank goodness I had no problem while I was away - it is a part for the power steering that may malfunction but so far I have not been troubled with it. I still need to make another appt to have the electronics checked - I had the same problem coming home with the panel lights flickering and the dashboard lights only working intermittently. I would not have noticed except I drove late into the evening on the first day ( exactly one week ago today) and the dashboard was not lite which made viewing the readings a bit difficult.
Glad to hear you have your other week of holidays Cathy - stay home and vegetate, eh? But by the sounds of it you may have to spend some time doing down some garden vegetables instead. I had to make some banana muffins yesterday - instead of just buying some bananas at 47 cents a pound, we bought a bag of about twenty slightly used bananas for 49 cents total. We always go for the discount bins and usually do quite well in buying vegetables or fruit that really isn't all that old. But never underestimate the bananas ability to go really soft really quickly - I think of you Patty and all your bananas but we all benefitted with eatting that delicious banana loaf didn't we!!
Anyway, I better go..take care

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