Thursday, August 19, 2010

Food for thought--or preserving--your choice

I've been thinking about this for three days--while blogspot wouldn't let me in because it didn't like my cookies. You've always lived a very frugal life, Beth. From what you've told me, much of that is socio/cultural, and a part of Harry's family lifestyle. It's a habit you can train yourself for. Certainly David's mother lived that way, and took his father along for the ride. Cathy, you haven't always had a choice but to live frugally, but you did it! I admire both of you in your self control. I just don't have it. I've never been able to deny myself. We would be in a much better place had I been able to do so. I feel like such a "lazy boots" next to the two of you. I should have done better. But does the day not come when you enjoy the fruits of those years of denial? Who should benefit from your labours, if not you?

Now, that said--what on earth do you do with bottled crab apple juice?

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