Monday, May 15, 2017

Better frame of mind.....

Wish it were so, with "to do lists" and all. It is unsettling to feel "lost" as you said. But you did get out even if it was to a nerve racking, chaotic meeting at that. Hope you can soon get back your use of hands without pain - mine seem to be giving me real h... as well. It is the physical work, but as well, it is generally getting worse day by day for me.
Lovely day today - a real nice treat to be out in the sun and enjoying the heat from it. Yesterday it was windy and coldish with moisture in the air.  Tomorrow we go to Huntsville. We loaded the car with over forty tomato plants, and kale and peppers, to take to Harry's sisters. They always get plants from us every spring - I do not mind seeing a few go 'bye 'bye haha!
Take care Cathy and Pati. Enjoy this week best you can. There are 78 cards in the Taro deck and yet I seem to be turning the same one or two all the time. Think there is a message there? 

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