Sunday, May 21, 2017

Quiet contentment

I struggle to find something to say about my day, but lately most of the day has been spent in the studio.  I am on phase one of my lifestyle routine, and the diversion is important, as my body is screaming for raisins, the way it used to scream for chocolate chips a few months ago. We make one trip out per day, mainly for my coffee, but often there is an errand to run, such as checking lottery tickets, not that we ever win anything.  This trip is usually in the afternoon about 2:30, as, during the week I can then go home and drink my coffee while watching Dr. Phil.  But also because I have found that late afternoon is when my resistance to the screams is at it's lowest ebb.  A couple of times, circumstances dictated that I have my coffee in the morning, and on those days I often indulged myself a little more than I should have.

My studio time lately has been spent exploring a series of videos on U-Tube put out by a fabric store called Shabby Fabrics.  I think you have seen a couple of those, Beth.  I've been playing, and often have trouble stopping.  A picture says a thousand words--need I say more?

Since then, I've been playing with a couple of tote bag patterns, and using up some fabric I bought a few years back.  Beautiful fabric, but for some reason, I bought a roll of 2 1/2" strips of it.  What ever possessed me?LOL

We have very little planned this week, as it's near the end of the month, and money is scarce.  Jessica has taken up dance this year, for some reason, and she has a recital this Tuesday, which I will attend.  And here I was thinking that that part of my life was over.  David is antsy to go to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2, as am I, but being cheap, we wait for Tuesday, and this Tuesday is booked, with the recital.  He'll drive me and pick me up, as always, but it's only a few minutes from home.

The computer is working well, except I need to use passwords for everything (every flippin' thing!) I've even been able to do some research on the internet on a couple of topics that I might want to explore in the studio.  Do you detect a trend here?  And, as often these days, a couple more of Miss Julia's adventures was waiting at the library.  What are other people reading?  She is starting to piss me off with her attitude.  I won't order any more of her books for awhile.

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